US Trustee Objects to SCO's Proposed Asset Sale and more

"The US Trustee has filed two objections, one to the asset sale, the terms of which it calls unreasonable, and one to the use of the temp agency to hire a CFO. I am feeling like the unraveling has…

KDE 4.0 Release Event Contest Winners Announced

"On October 4, 2007 we announced a contest regarding the KDE 4.0 Release Event at Mountain View, California on January 17-19, 2008. Participants were asked to answer the question: "Why should you…

Red Hat and Platform Computing Collaborate to Deliver Integrated HPC

Red Hat announced an agreement with Platform Computing, the global leader in High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure software, to jointly offer a new product, the Red Hat HPC Solution,…

Worldwide 2008 Mandriva Linux Installfest

Mandriva rallies the community of Linux users in many cities across the globe on November 17th 2007.

In order to bring Linux to new users and present the new features and technologies…

Open Source Media

You have just spent months working on your latest animated short. Hours and hours of work bent over a computer, pouring out your technical and creative heart, and finally it is finished. It is…

For Linux admins, career options remain plentiful

While today's market for IT administrators is tight, the demand for Linux experts continues to increase, according to Brend Marinaccio,'s open source recruiting director. He sees…

Multics source code has become public

"The sources for the Multics timesharing operating system have been donated to MIT by Group Bull. They are published under a BSD-style license, apparently. As noted on the site, the sources have…

SCO found guilty of lying about Unix code in Linux in Germany

In the United States, SCO's Linux/Unix litigation has been stalled out while the company's bankruptcy trial is being dealt with. In Germany, however, several court cases have found SCO Group GmbH…

One Laptop Per Child Now On Sale

For a donation of $399, one XO laptop will be sent to empower a child in a developing nation and one will be sent to the child in your life in recognition of your contribution. $200 of your…

Fedora 8 Games Spin (Live DVD) Released

Fedora 8 Games spin is a custom version of Fedora 8 from the games special interest group in Fedora that includes includes tons of free and open source Linux games in a installable Live DVD. You…