Rails 2.0 Released

Rails 2.0 is finally finished after about a year in the making. This is a fantastic release that’s absolutely stuffed with great new features, loads of fixes, and an incredible amount of polish.…

Ubuntu Innovates Excuses

For all of the cool things that Ubuntu has done, their lack of quality control is astonishing and baffling. They’re better at innovating excuses than actually responding to bug reports. This is…

Who Needs Linux Support?

One strategy to provide a better level of Linux support is to pick a Linux distribution with which a company can grow instead of changing later on to avoid poor support. For instance, before…

Brainy Linux developers not up to the challenge

"Government Computer News tells us that Intel Director Jim Held doesn't think Linux kernal developers are interested, or ready, to support multi-core processors, "They (Linux devs) weren't so sure…

Judge Kimball to SCO and Novell: Provide Info by Dec. 13th

Judge Dale Kimball, the judge presiding over SCO v. Novell, which was just sent back to him when the Bankruptcy Court in Delaware lifted the automatic stay, has issued an order [PDF]. He'd like…

New open source voting system a step closer

Advocates for complete transparency in the inner workings of voting machines have found a sympathetic home in San Francisco - but they ran into a brick wall at City Hall on Wednesday.


AT&T Fires Back at Verizon in the Open Source War

After Verizon Wireless attracted publicity for announcing it would open its wireless network to all devices next year, AT&T jumped into the ring today, embracing the so-called "open devices"…

Canadian DMCA Won't Include Consumer Rights

"As protests mount over the Canadian DMCA, law professor Michael Geist is now reporting that the government plans to delay addressing fair use and consumer copyright concerns such as the blank…

Dell Updating system BIOS when running Ubuntu

"I've published firmware-tools deb packages, and the latest system BIOS images for 223 Dell system types, into a new repository on linux.dell.com. Please see the instructions for how to use them…

FUDCon Raleigh 2008

The next FUDCon (Fedora User and Developer Conference) will be in Raleigh, NC from January 11-13, 2008. The event is 100% free to attend.

For more information, and to SIGN UP, please visit…