Quality Open Source Calendaring / Scheduling?

"In past jobs, I've used Microsoft Outlook/Exchange, Novell Groupwise, and Google Calendar for handling business appointments. I'm sorry to say it, but I have yet to see a rival to Microsoft's…

Tip from RHCEs: Cows in the Linux kernel

While you deal with your daily chores, you may not have much chance or time to dig deep into Red Hat® Enterprise Linux source code. When you face a problem, unlike other proprietary software, RHEL…

Windows, Linux grow while Unix stays flat

Windows and Linux operating systems are getting an ever-growing share of data center environments, as inexpensive x86 servers take over jobs once the domain of Unix operating systems, said Gartner…

New 2008 Mandriva Flash 4GB Released today

Mandriva today introduced the 2008 Mandriva Flash 4GB, the newest member of the Mandriva Flash family that lets you take your entire desktop with you wherever you go. 2008 Mandriva Flash includes…

Piracy war shifts Open Source in Africa

Cyber café operators within Nairobi are torn between legalising their Microsoft software operating system, shifting to Open Source Code or closing shop all together following the crack down on…

Open source's future: More Microsoft, bigger talent shortages

The open source industry in 2008 will be marked by more news out of Microsoft, IBM, Oracle and other big IT vendors, less start-up funding, more M&A activity, and an increasingly serious…

The 3 Linux Phones to Watch in 2008

A short article on Google Android, Deeda Pi Phone, and OpenMoko. Three Linux Phones to Watch in 2008.


OLPC Foundation Sued

A Massachusetts company has sued the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Foundation for patent infringement, saying that the project has stolen it’s own designs for a multilingual keyboard on the OLPC XO…

Novell's Trial Brief for Utah

Groklaw member LEXLAW suggested that now would be a good time to take a second look at Novell's Trial Brief [PDF]. It was filed in Utah back in the middle of September, on the same day that SCO…

xTuple Applications Certified for Mac OS X “Leopard”

xTuple announced that the current shipping release of its xTuple Applications – the OpenMFG Enterprise Resource Planning Suite and the PostBooks free and open source edition – have been certified…