Open Source software takes on VMware

InnoTek today released VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), marking an important milestone in the development of PC virtualization software. VirtualBox OSE is the first professional PC…

Taking the plunge into open source

More software companies are finding that the best way to make money with software is to give it away, cherry-picking open-source software practices for commercial gain.

On Monday, a small…

What's the Linux Holdup?

Giving desktop Linux a larger market share? To be honest, this can be a touchy subject for me, personally. Much of the reasoning behind my "rough feelings" on the matter stem from the fact that I…

Vista launch will boost desktop Linux

The launch of Windows Vista has created a huge opportunity for Linux vendors to take a larger share of the corporate desktop market, according to the president of Linux Australia.


Can Java Become an Important Linux Language?

When you think programming languages and Linux, the languages that tend to come to mind are C, C++, Perl, PHP, Python and, lately, Ruby. But, Java probably doesn't enter your mind at all—that's…

SCO on the verge of bankruptcy

SCO, whose claim to the Linux kernel has touched off a firestorm in the open source realm, is on the verge of bankruptcy, according to court documents filed by legal opponent Novell, several…

OpenSuSE to rival VISTA

While the eyes of the IT experts have spent plenty of time looking to see the new Microsoft's unfolding operating system named VISTA, the open sourced companies and individuals have been building…

Jan 13 2007

Here is the weekly wrap-up, some of the hottest stories in the Linux community this week were...

- X3: Reunion Announced for Linux

- EU withdraws claim that Linux…

The MVPs of Open Source

Who are the MVPs of open source? Are they the advocates? The maintainers? The stalwart community members? The CEOs of open source software companies?

Or is it someone else entirely?

Storix System Backup Administrator version 6 for Linux

Storix, Inc., provider of native backup and disaster recovery software for Linux and AIX systems, announced the general availability of Storix System Backup Administrator version 6 for Linux and…