Fedora Security Advisories


1 week 4 days ago
FEDORA-2024-5f32029828 Packages in this update:
  • unbound-1.19.3-1.fc41
Update description:

Automatic update for unbound-1.19.3-1.fc41.

Changelog * Fri Apr 12 2024 Petr Menšík <pemensik@redhat.com> - 1.19.3-1 - Update to 1.19.3 (rhbz#2268404) - Fix CVE-2024-1931, Denial of service when trimming EDE text on positive replies. (rhbz#2268419) - Use the origin (DNAME) TTL for synthesized CNAMEs as per RFC 6672. - Bug fixes * Sat Mar 9 2024 Paul Wouters <paul.wouters@aiven.io> - 1.19.1-4 - Add spec file comment


1 week 4 days ago
FEDORA-2024-f94660c56d Packages in this update:
  • chromium-123.0.6312.122-1.fc38
Update description:

update to 123.0.6312.122

* High CVE-2024-3157: Out of bounds write in Compositing * High CVE-2024-3516: Heap buffer overflow in ANGLE * High CVE-2024-3515: Use after free in Dawn


1 week 4 days ago
FEDORA-2024-4d2d73ab31 Packages in this update:
  • chromium-123.0.6312.122-1.fc40
Update description:

update to 123.0.6312.122

* High CVE-2024-3157: Out of bounds write in Compositing * High CVE-2024-3516: Heap buffer overflow in ANGLE * High CVE-2024-3515: Use after free in Dawn


1 week 4 days ago
FEDORA-2024-fe9a675a37 Packages in this update:
  • chromium-123.0.6312.122-1.fc39
Update description:

update to 123.0.6312.122

* High CVE-2024-3157: Out of bounds write in Compositing * High CVE-2024-3516: Heap buffer overflow in ANGLE * High CVE-2024-3515: Use after free in Dawn


1 week 4 days ago
FEDORA-2024-6dab59bd47 Packages in this update:
  • curl-8.2.1-5.fc39
Update description:
  • fix Usage of disabled protocol (CVE-2024-2004)
  • fix HTTP/2 push headers memory-leak (CVE-2024-2398)


1 week 5 days ago
FEDORA-2024-84fbbbb914 Packages in this update:
  • python-django3-3.2.25-2.fc38
Update description:

Security fixes for

  • CVE-2024-27351 Potential regular expression DOS in django.utils.text.Truncator.words()
  • CVE-2023-41164 Potential DOS vulnerability in django.utils.encoding.uri_to_iri()


1 week 5 days ago
FEDORA-2024-2c52524694 Packages in this update:
  • nodejs18-18.20.2-1.fc40
Update description: 2024-04-10, Version 18.20.2 'Hydrogen' (LTS), @RafaelGSS

This is a security release.

Notable Changes
  • CVE-2024-27980 - Command injection via args parameter of child_process.spawn without shell option enabled on Windows


1 week 5 days ago
FEDORA-2024-8d548b8c96 Packages in this update:
  • nodejs18-18.20.2-1.fc39
Update description: 2024-04-10, Version 18.20.2 'Hydrogen' (LTS), @RafaelGSS

This is a security release.

Notable Changes
  • CVE-2024-27980 - Command injection via args parameter of child_process.spawn without shell option enabled on Windows


1 week 5 days ago
FEDORA-2024-2ffe03eaa6 Packages in this update:
  • nodejs20-20.12.2-1.fc40
Update description: 2024-04-03, Version 20.12.1 'Iron' (LTS), @RafaelGSS

This is a security release

Notable Changes
  • CVE-2024-27983 - Assertion failed in node::http2::Http2Session::\~Http2Session() leads to HTTP/2 server crash- (High)
  • CVE-2024-27982 - HTTP Request Smuggling via Content Length Obfuscation - (Medium)
  • llhttp version 9.2.1
  • undici version 5.28.4
Commits 2024-04-03, Version 20.12.1 'Iron' (LTS), @RafaelGSS

This is a security release

Notable Changes
  • CVE-2024-27983 - Assertion failed in node::http2::Http2Session::\~Http2Session() leads to HTTP/2 server crash- (High)
  • CVE-2024-27982 - HTTP Request Smuggling via Content Length Obfuscation - (Medium)
  • llhttp version 9.2.1
  • undici version 5.28.4
2024-03-26, Version 20.12.0 'Iron' (LTS), @richardlau Notable Changes crypto: implement crypto.hash()

This patch introduces a helper crypto.hash() that computes a digest from the input at one shot. This can be 1.2-2x faster than the object-based createHash() for smaller inputs (<= 5MB) that are readily available (not streamed) and incur less memory overhead since no intermediate objects will be created.

const crypto = require('node:crypto'); // Hashing a string and return the result as a hex-encoded string. const string = 'Node.js'; // 10b3493287f831e81a438811a1ffba01f8cec4b7 console.log(crypto.hash('sha1', string));

Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #51044.

Loading and parsing environment variables
  • process.loadEnvFile(path):
  • Use this function to load the .env file. If no path is specified, it automatically loads the .env file in the current directory. Example: process.loadEnvFile().
  • Load a specific .env file by specifying its path. Example: process.loadEnvFile('./development.env').

  • util.parseEnv(content):

  • Use this function to parse an existing string containing environment variable assignments.
  • Example usage: require('node:util').parseEnv('HELLO=world').

Contributed by Yagiz Nizipli in #51476.

New connection attempt events

Three new events were added in the net.createConnection flow:

  • connectionAttempt: Emitted when a new connection attempt is established. In case of Happy Eyeballs, this might emitted multiple times.
  • connectionAttemptFailed: Emitted when a connection attempt failed. In case of Happy Eyeballs, this might emitted multiple times.
  • connectionAttemptTimeout: Emitted when a connection attempt timed out. In case of Happy Eyeballs, this will not be emitted for the last attempt. This is not emitted at all if Happy Eyeballs is not used.

Additionally, a previous bug has been fixed where a new connection attempt could have been started after a previous one failed and after the connection was destroyed by the user. This led to a failed assertion.

Contributed by Paolo Insogna in #51045.

Permission Model changes

Node.js 20.12.0 comes with several fixes for the experimental permission model and two new semver-minor commits. We're adding a new flag --allow-addons to enable addon usage when using the Permission Model.

$ node --experimental-permission --allow-addons

Contributed by Rafael Gonzaga in #51183

And relative paths are now supported through the --allow-fs-* flags. Therefore, with this release one can use:

$ node --experimental-permission --allow-fs-read=./index.js

To give only read access to the entrypoint of the application.

Contributed by Rafael Gonzaga and Carlos Espa in #50758.

sea: support embedding assets

Users can now include assets by adding a key-path dictionary to the configuration as the assets field. At build time, Node.js would read the assets from the specified paths and bundle them into the preparation blob. In the generated executable, users can retrieve the assets using the sea.getAsset() and sea.getAssetAsBlob() API.

{ "main": "/path/to/bundled/script.js", "output": "/path/to/write/the/generated/blob.blob", "assets": { "a.jpg": "/path/to/a.jpg", "b.txt": "/path/to/b.txt" } }

The single-executable application can access the assets as follows:

const { getAsset } = require('node:sea'); // Returns a copy of the data in an ArrayBuffer const image = getAsset('a.jpg'); // Returns a string decoded from the asset as UTF8. const text = getAsset('b.txt', 'utf8'); // Returns a Blob containing the asset without copying. const blob = getAssetAsBlob('a.jpg');

Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #50960.

Support configurable snapshot through --build-snapshot-config flag

We are adding a new flag --build-snapshot-config to configure snapshots through a custom JSON configuration file.

$ node --build-snapshot-config=/path/to/myconfig.json

When using this flag, additional script files provided on the command line will not be executed and instead be interpreted as regular command line arguments.

These changes were contributed by Joyee Cheung and Anna Henningsen in #50453

Text Styling
  • util.styleText(format, text): This function returns a formatted text considering the format passed.

A new API has been created to format text based on util.inspect.colors, enabling you to style text in different colors (such as red, blue, ...) and emphasis (italic, bold, ...).

const { styleText } = require('node:util'); const errorMessage = styleText('red', 'Error! Error!'); console.log(errorMessage);

Contributed by Rafael Gonzaga in #51850.

vm: support using the default loader to handle dynamic import()

This patch adds support for using vm.constants.USE_MAIN_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOADER as the importModuleDynamically option in all vm APIs that take this option except vm.SourceTextModule. This allows users to have a shortcut to support dynamic import() in the compiled code without missing the compilation cache if they don't need customization of the loading process. We emit an experimental warning when the import() is actually handled by the default loader through this option instead of requiring --experimental-vm-modules.

const { Script, constants } = require('node:vm'); const { resolve } = require('node:path'); const { writeFileSync } = require('node:fs'); // Write test.js and test.txt to the directory where the current script // being run is located. writeFileSync(resolve(__dirname, 'test.mjs'), 'export const filename = "./test.json";'); writeFileSync(resolve(__dirname, 'test.json'), '{"hello": "world"}'); // Compile a script that loads test.mjs and then test.json // as if the script is placed in the same directory. const script = new Script( `(async function() { const { filename } = await import('./test.mjs'); return import(filename, { with: { type: 'json' } }) })();`, { filename: resolve(__dirname, 'test-with-default.js'), importModuleDynamically: constants.USE_MAIN_CONTEXT_DEFAULT_LOADER, }); // { default: { hello: 'world' } } script.runInThisContext().then(console.log);

Contributed by Joyee Cheung in #51244.

Root certificates updated to NSS 3.98

Certificates added:

  • Telekom Security TLS ECC Root 2020
  • Telekom Security TLS RSA Root 2023

Certificates removed:

  • Security Communication Root CA
Updated dependencies
  • acorn updated to 8.11.3.
  • ada updated to 2.7.6.
  • base64 updated to 0.5.2.
  • brotli updated to 1.1.0.
  • c-ares updated to 1.27.0.
  • corepack updated to 0.25.2.
  • ICU updated to 74.2. Includes CLDR 44.1 and Unicode 15.1.
  • nghttp2 updated to 1.60.0.
  • npm updated to 10.5.0. Fixes a regression in signals not being passed onto child processes.
  • simdutf8 updated to 4.0.8.
  • Timezone updated to 2024a.
  • zlib updated to

Include Provides: nodejs20-* for non-versioned packages.


1 week 5 days ago
FEDORA-2024-e28ccc9c17 Packages in this update:
  • nodejs20-20.12.2-1.fc39
Update description: 2024-04-03, Version 20.12.1 'Iron' (LTS), @RafaelGSS

This is a security release

Notable Changes
  • CVE-2024-27983 - Assertion failed in node::http2::Http2Session::\~Http2Session() leads to HTTP/2 server crash- (High)
  • CVE-2024-27982 - HTTP Request Smuggling via Content Length Obfuscation - (Medium)
  • llhttp version 9.2.1
  • undici version 5.28.4
Commits 2024-04-03, Version 20.12.1 'Iron' (LTS), @RafaelGSS

This is a security release

Notable Changes
  • CVE-2024-27983 - Assertion failed in node::http2::Http2Session::\~Http2Session() leads to HTTP/2 server crash- (High)
  • CVE-2024-27982 - HTTP Request Smuggling via Content Length Obfuscation - (Medium)
  • llhttp version 9.2.1
  • undici version 5.28.4


1 week 5 days ago
FEDORA-EPEL-2024-76d6941f10 Packages in this update:
  • python-django3-3.2.25-1.el9
Update description:

Security fixes for

  • CVE-2024-27351 Potential regular expression DOS in django.utils.text.Truncator.words()
  • CVE-2023-41164 Potential DOS vulnerability in django.utils.encoding.uri_to_iri()
48 minutes 44 seconds ago