Ubuntu Developer Summit lays out vision for strong Hardy Heron release

The first day of the Ubuntu Developer Summit began with roundtable sessions which focused on high-level planning for Hardy Heron, the next major release of the Ubuntu Linux distribution. I…

Red Hat Expands Security Leadership

Red Hat announced that it is pursuing Common Criteria certification for the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, reinforcing its commitment to information technology (IT) security for public-…

Fedora Core 6 End of Life

A reminder to users: Fedora Core 6 will reach its end of life for updates on Friday, December 7, 2007.

Fedora 7 will remain supported until one month past the release of Fedora 9 (as things…

YaST Tools for Creating Installation Media and Appliances

The casual reader of news.opensuse.org knows that openSUSE 10.3 contains a YaST tool for creating images using KIWI. However, it is not that known fact that openSUSE 10.3 contains much more tools…

Open Web Gains New Open Source Development Tools

ActiveState Software released Open Komodo, an open source platform for building development environments based on the award-winning Komodo® IDE, a multi-platform, multi-language IDE for dynamic…

SCO Responds to SUSE Re Staying the Swiss Arbitration - Updated

SCO has responded [PDF] to the SUSE opposition [PDF] to SCO's motion [PDF] to "enforce" the automatic stay. This is the most significant document in today's bankruptcy collection. You can read…

Mandriva: An open letter to Steve Ballmer

"So we closed the deal, we got the order, we qualified the software, we got the machine shipped. In other word, we did our job. I understand the machine are being delivered right now.


Open-Source HR Management System 2.2.2 Released

OrangeHRM, a leading provider of open-source HR Management solution for small and medium sized enterprises worldwide, has announced the launch of version 2.2.2 of their human resource information…

Response to Microsoft’s Misleading IDC Numbers

"Fundamentally this particular study will over-count Windows share and undercount Linux. Al Gillen at IDC, who we have a lot of respect for, says this himself in your article. Why is Linux so…

GNOME 2.21.1 Released

The first release of the GNOME 2.21.x series. This opens the development cycle for what will become the stable GNOME 2.22.x release.

Keep in mind this is a development release. For more…