The Complete Open Phone

Last week Trolltech used the LinuxWorld Expo as the backdrop to announced the "Greenphone." (also, LinuxDevices is running an article about it too.) The Greenphone is, according to Trolltech,…

Open source robotics toolkits

Building a robot involves skills from many disciplines, including embedded firmware and hardware design, sensor selection, controls systems design, and mechanical design. But simulation…

Google Promotes Open Source OCR Library

"You might wonder," reads a Google corporate blog post yesterday morning, "why Google is interested in [optical character recognition]." Indeed, you might wonder that if you didn't already know…

KOffice: Summer of Code Students Deliver the Goods

Under the KDE umbrella, the KOffice project took part in the 2006 Summer of Code with four participants. And not only that, but the Dutch Programmeerzomer, sponsored by Finalist, also selected a…

It's not just Linux: Open Source has arrived

Open-source true believers have been saying forever that open source is the way to develop software. It turns out they've convinced most programmers that they're right. According to a newly…

Five Questions (plus one) for My Boss, Jim Curtin, CEO, Win4Lin

"I’m kicking off a series of interviews with thought leaders in the world of Linux Business and Open Source. I thought it only fair that I’d place my own boss, Jim Curtin, in the hot seat for the…

Education minister's proposal needs a rewrite

The Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), which bills itself as the national voice for education in Canada, brings together the ministers of education from across Canada (with the…

Free Linux Disk Project Delivers First Shipment

"It is with great delight that I announce the first bulk shipment of free Linux disks from the Free Linux Disk project. This shipment will put Linux into the hands of people from around the world…

Open Source Java License Sure to Disappoint

Sun has not yet disclosed under which license it will release the Java code. The company said at the LinuxWorld conference last month that it will release Java under one of the 58 licenses…

Johnny Cache breaks silence on Apple Wi-Fi exploit

Jon Ellch -- aka Johnny Cache -- was one of the presenters of the now infamous "faux disclosure" at Black Hat and DEFCON last month. Ellch and co-presenter Dave Maynor have gone silent since then…