5 easy steps to secure your database: MySQL on encrypted filesystem

Storing sensitive data on encrypted filesystem is very good practice. This way no one can access data of stolen computer - data is unaccessible after reboot. After booting the machine, secret…

South Korea to construct Open Source National Digital Map DB

South Korean government made worldwide commotion when they brought in world's largest scale Linux servers to construct its National Education Information System (NEIS) previously; now, it is…

Open-source routers hit limitations

Firms hoping to reduce network costs by deploying open-source routers may be disappointed since experts say such systems are hard to configure and lack the processing power required to handle…

Norwegian city puts Linux plan on hold

Two years ago the City of Bergen in Norway caught the attention of the IT world when it decided to go for a fully-fledged Linux strategy, with plans to install Suse Linux on all of the client PCs…

Linux wins over new fans

Linux is shedding its hard-core techie image in a bid to woo ordinary human beings seeking an easy-to-use operating system that can be downloaded for free.

While it is hard to estimate how…

FreeDOS 1.0 Released

FreeDOS is ideal for anyone who wants to bundle a version of DOS without having to pay a royalty for use of DOS. FreeDOS will also work on old hardware, in DOS emulators, and in embedded systems.…

First screenshot of Linux Flash Player 9

I see that there is still a lively debate concerning our choice of user interface (UI) toolkit for Flash Player 9. To review, we selected GTK, mostly because the Player 7 codebase we started with…

Maintainer's resignation highlights problems in Debian project

The resignation of Matthew Garrett, one of the most active developers in Debian, has drawn attention to some ongoing issues about how the project operates. Specifically, Garrett's announcement on…

Slackware 11.0 RC4 Released

The Slackware project definitely needs to learn a thing or two when it comes to release announcments. The latest news on their main page indicates an update from 2005. However, the change log…

Linux ultra fast command line download accelerator

Axel does the same thing any other accelerator does: It opens more than one HTTP/FTP connection per download and each connection transfers its own, separate, part of the file. It may sound weird,…