How Microsoft is losing to GNU/Linux

If "a year of GNU/Linux on the desktop" is defined as a year when GNU/Linux has finally started its steady encroachment to the desktop then 2006 is the year. A lot of users have started using GNU/…

Sony Mylo Built On Qtopia Linux

Linux Powers the new Sony's Mylo WiFi Handheld. Built on Trolltech's Qtopia platform on Linux, unlike any other mobile device Sony has made.

There's a lot of software available for Qtopia…

Open source standards and proprietary profit

Sun Microsystems last week unveiled a portal that will detail its efforts to make its Java programming language available as open source code.

After the announcement, Bob Brewin, Sun's…

Gentoo Linux 2006.1 Released

The Gentoo Release Engineering team proudly announces the release of Gentoo Linux 2006.1, the second release of the year. Building on the strengths of previous releases and featuring all of Gentoo…

Linux will get buried?

Apple’s UNIX (who knows what it’ll be called by then) will overtake commercial Linux in rate of revenue growth by the end of 2007. By mid-2008, Apple’s sales of systems with factory-installed…

Nokia teams with Sourcefire to offer Intrusion Prevention

Nokia announces plans to offer Sourcefire's Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) on its portfolio of high-performance IP Security Platforms. Nokia Intrusion Prevention with Sourcefire will provide…

Interview with Mike Melanson on the Linux Flash Player

Mike Melanson, the lead engineer on Adobe's Flash Player team, and one of the talented people behind the Linux Flash Player agreed to do an email interview with Ryan Stewart of ZDNet about Linux…

The difference between working on an open source project and working on a paid job

Steven King wrote: Sometimes people ask me what the difference is between the work I do on my paid job during the day, and working on the open source project in my spare time. They don't…

New Features and other interesting stuff in Debian 4.0 "Etch"

Alexander Schmehl started to collect internal changes, features, newly introduced packages, updated and removed packages that Debian will probably include in the upcoming 4.0 "Etch" release.

The annual Conference (OOoCon)

The annual Conference (OOoCon) will be held in Lyon, France, from 11-13 September. All are welcome. Past conferences have been fun, important, memorable, and have dealt with…