New Auto-Seeding Torrent Server Released

The University of Texas New Media Initiative in association with Google's Summer of Code program have been working on a project to make sharing files over the internet easier than ever before.…

The Path to Linux Success

Virtualization and Linux can be a match made in heaven, which is why enterprise Linux heavyweights Red Hat and Novell are pushing so hard to make support for virtualization a highlight of their…

No One Ever Got Fired For Using Microsoft. - Yes They Did

I have often wondered about that statement. "No one ever got fired for using Microsoft. From my point of view, even as a business owner, it seemed a bit far reaching. Most things stated in the…

Can Linux save the Palm OS?

More than two years have passed since PalmSource--the Palm OS developer purchased by Access in 2005--released an update to the venerable operating system. But the next version, which is set for…

A fifteenth chance for GNOME

Okay, I don't really know how many chances I've given GNOME, but I've tried to switch to GNOME as my default desktop many times. I always ended up switching back to KDE (to be fair, I use other…

A Tryst with Debian Etch Beta 3

When a Linux enthusiast hears the name Debian, it never fails to instill in him some awe and respect. After all, this is the one and only not-for-profit Linux distribution which has singularly…

Linux controlled DIY cat feeder and water dispenser

"I know the DIY VCR cat feeder article has been popular - when I went on vacation, it was something I considered to help keep me the cats entertained and fed. They were formerly strays, so an "all…

Timely Linux launch leaves Vista lagging

Microsoft's decision to hold back the launch of its forthcoming Windows Vista operating system appears to have played into the hands of Novell, its would-be rival.

While there's still some…

Former Red Hat Execs Want To Right-Size Linux

Billy Marshall, who as a VP at Red Hat helped take its North American sales from $8 million in 2001 to $150 million in 2005, and Erik Troan, ex-Red Hat VP of product engineering, have moved a few…

Open source companies to watch

Open source software is a given in most enterprise data centers, so it's not surprising to see the ranks of open source companies and projects swell. It's not just Linux anymore - community-…