KDE 4.0 Release Candidate 2 Out

The KDE Community is happy to announce the immediate availability of the second release candidate for KDE 4.0. This release candidate marks the last mile on the road to KDE 4.0. This release sees…

Should One Laptop Per Child System Run Linux Or Windows?

Microsoft stirred up controversy last week when it suggested a Linux-based laptop for children in developing nations be redesigned to accommodate Windows. Would that be a good move?


TuxMobil Now Offers 7,000 Linux Guides for the Laptop

TuxMobil recently announced the publication of 7,000 Linux installation and configuration guides for laptops and notebooks on its Web site. The number of free guides and how-to's available through…

OrangeHRM Partners With PicassoHR

SEACAUCUS, NJ ( December 10 ,2007) - OrangeHRM , a leading provider of open-source HR Management solution for small and medium sized enterprises worldwide, has announced a partnership with…

KDE 4 with less memory consumption

Tests of the latest KDE-4-Desktop showed that KDE 4 in direct comparison to KDE 3.5 almost 40 percent less memory consumption.


What Will and Won't Be Discussed at February's BRM on MSOOXML

Alex Brown has now written up a FAQ on the ballot resolution meeting scheduled for February over MSOOXML, "Frequently Asked Questions regarding DIS-29500 Ballot Resolution Meeting", over which he…

Red Hat's Open Source IDE

Six months ago, Linux vendor Red Hat acquired the closed source Exadel Studio Pro IDE and pledged to turn it into a fully open source Red Hat product.

On Monday, Red Hat officially released…

Continuent Offers Data Availability, Boosts Open Source Database Scaling

Continuent today announced new versions of Continuent uni/cluster for PostgreSQL and Continuent uni/cluster for MySQL with enhanced database scaling and ease of deployment in large-scale…

Use OpenOffice.org online with Ulteo

Today, in a joint press-release, Ulteo and OpenOffice.org are announcing a partnership: OpenOffice.org 2.3, the well-known Open Source productivity suite, is now available online, through a web-…

Top Ten Security 2008

"Two weeks ago I was in L.A., jumping from meeting after meeting, and at the end of every meeting, I asked everyone what they saw in the Identity and Access Management road ahead. I got some great…